Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Flickr Halifax Photo Walk

I  by Iguanasan
I , a photo by Iguanasan on Flickr.

I organized my second Flickr Halifax Photo Walk on Saturday. Combined it with the opportunity to photograph the 25th Annual Halifax Pride Parade.

I really enjoy my photowalks as it gives me an opportunity to meet new people and there were a couple of new people at this one. I hope they'll come back next time.

I added some challenges to this shoot and a couple of people really stepped up and participated. I hope everyone had fun (they chimed in that they did) and will come to the next one.

Time to start planning!


Corey said...

Great shot! Although I couldn't be there, thanks for organizing. We need more people like you! Keep shooting!

Iguanasan said...

Sorry I missed this comment. Thanks for the pat on the back. Cheers! :)