Busy, busy!
I've been rather busy lately and haven't posted a blog post in a while so thought it was about time to get another one posted. Luckily, I have plenty of shots to work with as I shot about 450 shots yesterday. The morning was the Scott Kelby World Wide Photowalk and the afternoon was the Halifax Pride Parade.
This shot is from the parade. I saw these two sitting on the float and I was snapping away trying to get as many good shots as possible. I saw her lean into him to whisper, held my breath and caught the shot. I am rather happy with the result. I continue to bemoan my lack of a decent lens as the kit lens just really didn't get the detail I would like but I do the best I can with what I have while I try to save for a new lens.
I really enjoyed being out with a bunch of other photographers on the photowalk. I ran into an old friend and I was also invited to become a member of the Sackville Photographer's Club and I am considering joining. I poked around on the web for the Halifax version since I live in Halifax but the Sackville club seems more alive and active. Also, Wednesday's work well for me :)