Thursday, September 16, 2010

Birth of a Chestnut

Birth of a Chestnut
Originally uploaded by Iguanasan
First time using the Flickr blog feature. This will be interesting.

Well, autumn is coming to Halifax. Hurricane Earl blew in on the tail end of the summer months and blew away our 30C (and higher) summer days. We're now around 20C during the day and dropping to 12C and 13C at night. Autumn.

I really love this time of year. Yes, it's sad to see summer go but the crispness of the air in fall is awesome and I love a cool night for sleeping rather than the oppressive humid heat.

The leaves will start to change colour now and present an amazing array of photographic opportunity. Get your camera's out and keep shooting in fall.

Sorry, this post is not a well organized, thought out post but a bit of a ramble. I'm thinking I post infrequently because I try to write an essay every time instead of just blabbing what's in my head. I decided to try the blab for a bit and see how that works. Maybe I'll post more often.

1 comment:

TeresaA said...

blabbing is fine with me :)
love love love the chestnut picture.