Sunday, March 02, 2014

"The Best Camera is the One You Have With You"

The title of this post is a quote from Chase Jarvis and this photo is proof of that statement.  This past winter I have left my dSLR at home on most of those days when I'm walking to work simply because I don't want to add it to my backpack when I never pull it out to actually take any photographs.

It's that time of year again when I feel really down in the dumps about taking any photographs because the weather sucks.  I'm tired of winter.  I am very much looking forward to spring.

On this particular day the only camera that I had was the one on my Blackberry Z10.  It was, however, all I needed  to capture the above image of a frosty and snowy morning. I really liked the way the snow had settled on the tree branches as well as everything else.

Hopefully, spring will come soon and I can get back to enjoying photography.  Until then, I just keep playing it one day at a time.

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